Monday, February 28, 2011

Podcast Reflection 3: Ed Tech Talk

Feb. 10, 2011

When I listened to the EdTech Talk podcast, I was actually pretty shocked. These educators were talking about how they teach in both North America and in Australia. They said they make use of laptops, iPads, and even cell phones for their classrooms. In fact, cell phones are expected to be brought and used in class. The educators continued to say that they insist on not having a ‘traditional’ school. I am all for technology in the classroom, but when listening I found it hard to envision these types of things happening in the Kansas schools I will be teaching in. I know many of them are using laptops and sometimes iPads, but I cannot ever see them telling students they are required to bring and use their cell phones. It’s interesting how different countries and cultures allow for different things in the classroom.

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