Sunday, February 13, 2011

Reflection 1: Technology Bits, Bytes, & Nibbles

While browsing the blog, Technology Bits, Bytes, & Nibbles, I read a chart called Upgrade Your Lesson- 21st Century Skills. One of the topics was ‘Communicate’. This listed different ways of communicating as a teacher in the 21st Century. It sparked an idea in my mind about how much more parents might be involved if they were able to meet with their children’s parents via Skype, or another online resource. I feel like some parents might be reluctant to use online resources only because older people are still having a hard time adjusting to technology. But I do believe by offering more opportunities for parents to meet with teachers, some parents will take up the offer. For example, it would be neat to set up parent-teacher conferences via Skype. This way if the conference times for the school conflict with a parents schedule they have the possibility to talk with the teacher over the internet.

I also read an article about a Tennessee school requiring iPads for fourth through twelfth graders. This is incredibly insane to me, because I knew this would be happening eventually but I didn’t think so soon. The article says both students and teachers will use these iPads at school and at home. I think this could work out really well. I feel like the reason people are reluctant to iPads or use of other technology is because they don’t have use to it for enough time to learn on it, but I think that this Tennessee school may benefit a lot by having teachers  and students using them at school and at home. They will be on the same page because they’ll be using them in both settings.

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