Create your own video slideshow at
Going along with this, I think it would be really cool if at the beginning of the year when the students and I are discussing classroom rules, we created an animoto video with those rules in it! This could be shared with all students easily and it would incorporate the students in the developing of the classroom rules which I think is important to do. The students and I would find photos online that apply or take screen captures of text that states the rule to create this project.
Another main resource that could be used in the classroom is voicethread. Voicethread is a great way for students to do research and then present that research in a fun, technological way. Voicethread requires you to find images, place captions of text explaining the images, and then further explaining them by recording yourself. This recording is similiar to telling it in a story-like manner which makes the research much more personable and interesting. I would like to use voicethread in my classroom by having students research a historical event important in a novel we are reading and then do a voicethread on it. They could do this with a group or individually because of how simple it is to do! Here is an example of a voicethread I did for Constitution Hall in Lecompton, Kansas.
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