Monday, March 7, 2011

EduTecher Reflection

My first impression from EduTecher was that is doesn't have as many resources as many of the other teacher sites that are out there. After searching around, though, I did find some sources that may be beneficial. I noticed that this site is very specifically for those who are willing to use technology. One site that I think I would use for my class one day is because it focuses on skills students will need to be sucessful in school and in the workplace. I think this will be great for literature classes because it obviously is relating school work to work in the real world and that is something students will actually pay attention to. At teachers can file share to students so that space issues do not arise on one computer and so that you don't have to deal with a flashdrive. I like this site because I've always liked my computer files to be organized and easy to find so I think this would be a great way for students to access them and for both the teacher and student to find them easily when they need them. The last site I really enjoyed was and it would be great to find and post pictures up for students. Sometimes searching google images is not very accurate and it's touchy on what subject you search so this site will be great for finding pictures that apply to that topic you are trying to show. EduTecher made me extremely excited and I can't wait to really dig into it that summer before I start my first year of teaching to make use of its great resources!

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